
OKA Natsuhisa

Associate Professor

Department Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science
Course Biomolecular Science Course

Research fields

The goal of our research is to elucidate the roles of biomolecules and to develop novel drugs and functional groups through synthetic organic chemistry of biology-related molecules and their chemically modified analogs. Some of the ongoing projects are given below.
1. Synthesis of phosphate-modified oligonucleotides
2. Total synthesis of biologically active natural products containing ribofuranosides
3. Synthesis of biosynthetic intermediates of nucleic acids and study on their properties
4. Stereoselective synthesis of furanosides
5. Stereoselective synthesis of unsaturated carbocycles via a novel domino reaction
6. Chemical synthesis of genome-size DNA

Fig. Novel domino reaction for the synthesis of optically pure cyclopentenes.

Research Overview

Research Keywords

synthetic organic chemistry

biology-related chemistry

nucleic acid


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