
Subjects First Year Second Year Third Year Forth Year

Basic Subjects

Fundamental Computer Programming

Linear Algebra I

Linear Algebra II

Calculus I

Calculus II


Earth Science

Probability and Statistics

Introduction to Information Technology

Fundamental Electromagnetism

Vibration and Wave

Fundamental Chemistry

Fundamental Biology

Fundamental Engineering Experiments

Technical Expression

Introduction to Environmental Energy

Civil Engineering English I

Civil Engineering English II

Modern Physics


Structural Mechanics I

History of Civil Engineering

Vector Analysis/Complex Analysis

Spatial Representation

Structural Mechanics II

Construction Materials

Concrete Structures I

Soil Mechanics I

Soil Mechanics II

Fundamental Hydraulics

Hydraulics I

Infrastructure Planning System


Surveying Practice

Applied Surveying

Landscape Design

Applied Mathematics

Soil Mechanics III

Hydraulics II

Urban Transport Planning

Environmental Sanitary Engineering I

Meteorology and Hydrology

Project Managements

Civil Engineering Experiments

Steel Structural Engineering

Concrete Structures II

Maintenance and Management

River Engineering

Coastal Engineering

Urban and Regional Planning

Highway Engineering

Environmental Aquatic Science

graduation study

Subjects for
Environmental Studies Course

Environmental Design

Environmental Seminar

Environmental Simulation

Environmental Sanitary Engineering II

Lithosphere Environment and Resource Management Engineering

Subjects for
Disaster Reduction Studies Course

Applied Geology

Disaster Reduction Design

Disaster Reduction Seminar

Disaster Reduction Simulation

Earthquake Engineering

Other than the above subjects, general subjects (liberal arts) are provided by center for general education, and die and mold engineering subjects and pedagogical subjects are also provided by faculty of engineering.>