
MIWA Yohei
Title Professor
Department Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science
Course Materials Chemistry Course

Research fields

I am focusing on the "local" molecular dynamics in polymers and liquid crystals.

Every polymer has various kinds of inhomogeneous "local" structures, such as the end and branching point in the chain-like molecular structures as shown in Figure 1. These local points frequently govern the macroscopic physical properties of polymeric materials. Therefore, understanding the properties of the local points is crucial for designing high-performance polymeric materials. I am applying multiple "labeling" techniques in combination to selectively detect the local dynamic properties of polymers.

The other target is liquid crystals. In particular, I am studying the local properties in the microphase-separated liquid crystalline phases having isotropic 3D network structures as shown in Figure 2. I am trying to evaluate the local chemical interactions in the individual phases using spectroscopic techniques to understand the formation mechanism of the beautiful liquid crystalline phases.

Fig1 Polymer Labeled at the Chain End Fig2 Microphase-Separated Structures formed by Liquid Crystalline Molecules

Research Keywords

Labeling Physical Property of Polymer Polymer Chain End

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