
UEMURA Kazuhiro
Title Associate Professor
Department Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science
Course Materials Chemistry Course

Research fields

Self-assembled metal complexes are consisted of various metals and ligands, which are expected for novel properties and functionalities, considering electronic configurations in metals and designing ligands, as well as inorganic and organic materials.

(1) Hetero-metal one-dimensional (1D) chains
Single metal 1D chains having d-bands along the z axis such as KCP, Magnus salt, MX, and MMX have been investigated for conductive and magnetic properties. I have succeeded in obtaining several 1D chains where two or three kinds of metal are regularly aligned with metal-metal bonds, taking advantage of HOMO-LUMO interactions among two kinds of metal complex. I am trying to align various kinds of metal species, and find unknown and novel properties.

(2) Porous coordination polymers (metal-organic frameworks)
Porous coordination polymers, called as metal-organic frameworks (MOF), are obtained by mixing metals and designed bridging ligands, which porous properties are expected for adsorption, catalysis, and separation etc., as well as activated carbons and zeolites. I am trying to synthesis novel compounds, looking for unique unknown properties.

Fig1 Hetero-metal one-dimensional chains Fig2 Coordination polymers with various network motifs

Research Keywords

Coordination Chemistry Coordination Polymer Electronic Property

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