Associate Professor

MORITA Ryosuke
Title Associate Professor
Department Department of Mechanical Engineering
Course Intelligent Mechanical Engineering Course

Research fields

Our interests include system control theory and mainly we provide some solutions related with networked control systems in theoretical viewpoint. Typical examples are given as follows.
Quantization of control signal
In control systems which contains network communication channels, the resolution of the signals for control is limited because of communication capacity. We establish control design methods which guarantee similar control performance by limited resolution control signals.
Encryption for control systems
If control systems are connected to networks, the systems are exposed to malicious attacks. We are challenging to compose secure systems against such attacks.
Multi-agent control system
A multi-agent system consists of multiple small subsystems connected by a network. They communicate with each other and achieve a global objective with local information. We study various problems for such systems.

Research Keywords

System control theory
Cyber-physical system
Networked control system

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