
NAKAMURA Katsuyuki

Assistant Professor

Department Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science
Course Biomolecular Science Course

Research fields

To elucidte the molecular mechanisms and identify therapeutic targets for a genetic muscle disorder; Duchenne Muscular distrophy, an age-related muscle disorder; Sarcopenia and ageing, , several studies are being conducted as follows :
・Establishing a novel aging evaluation system in rats with genome editing technology, reproductive engineering, and genetic engineering.
・Analyzing the pathogenesis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy model rats and evaluating the efficacy of drug candidates, as well as exploring new therapeutic targets.
・Analyzing the mechanisms of cellular aging and searching for novel modalities to achieve cellular aging suppression.
We are conducting genome editing research not only in cells or mice but also in rats to translational reseach more reliable. Westablished more than 4 kb length of reporter gene knock-in technology in rats. By utilizing this KI technology, we are trying to.
We are trying to achieve the social implemention of the results of basic research. We are working to establishi a framework to achieve effective collaboration for this purpose.

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Fig. 1 Microinjection of Cas9 into a pronucleus of rat embyro Fig. 2 Immunostaining of senescent cells (cyan) and Falloidin (magenta) in rat fibloblasts

Research Overview

Research Keywords

Aging Senescence

Muscular dystrophy

Genome editing in mice/rats

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