トップページ > 社会基盤工学科 > 防災コース > お知らせ > 阪野裕樹さん(大学院環境社会基盤工学専攻1年)がISSS-2017 Young Researcher Awardを受賞しました

阪野裕樹さん(大学院環境社会基盤工学専攻1年)がISSS-2017 Young Researcher Awardを受賞しました

 2017年11月1~4日に韓国済州島にて開催されましたThe 9th International Symposium on STEEL STRUCTURESにおけるSteel Bridge Rehabilitationのセッションにて,大学院自然科学技術研究科環境社会基盤工学専攻修士課程1年(複合構造研究室)阪野裕樹さんがISSS-2017 Young Researcher Awardを受賞しました.この賞は,未来ある若手研究者を対象に優秀な発表者に対して贈られるものです.



題目:Fatigue Strength Improvement of Out-of-Plane Gusset Welded Joints by Portable Pneumatic Needle-Peening Treatment


著者:Koji Kinoshita,Yuki Banno,Yuki Ono,Shohei Yamada,and Mitsuru Handa


概要:Various methods of fatigue strength improvement have been investigated for fatigue cracks on welded joints of steel bridges. Portable Pneumatic Needle-Peening (PPP treatment) is a fatigue strength improvement technique to be able to introduce compressive residual stress at the weld toe and improve the shape of the weld toe. Although the effect of the PPP treatment on fatigue strength of out-of-plane gusset welded joints has been seen, it is showed that the effect depended on the travel speed of the PPP treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to accumulate fatigue test data with regards to the travel speed of the PPP treatment to ensure the quality of the fatigue strength improvement. This study carried out plate bending fatigue tests for out-of-plane gusset welded joints in order to clarify the effects of fatigue strength improvement of the PPP treatment. In this study, to reveal the cause of fatigue crack initiation, the observation of the fracture surface with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was also conducted. In addition, this study investigated effects of fatigue crack closure by the PPP treatment. 


